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Another Choon? Blog
1st November 2016

Blimey! That's a lot of Choonage, this week!



Panic stations, this morning, as I realise we're now into November.
That gives me about 3 weeks to get everything into order.

I've still got 12 completely unstarted games to get off the ground, and another 3 or 4 that aren't quite right yet.
It's definitely going to be a tight squeeze, getting everything done in time, especially now that I'm running out of ideas.

Still, plough on.
Yesterday I started Gamma E, and the basic movement code seems to be working.
Today I'll add collectables, enemy robots and then get the CPU Player AI going.
With any luck, that entire game should be done by tonight.

So much to do, though. Scary!

(Might help if I hadn't also made 3 Choons, this week!!)

Daily Doodle : Homemade Soup

Platdude's glad he's got a nice warm bowl of PlatMama's wonderful homemade Spicy Tomato Soup.
If only he had a mouth.


Coding the games at a rate that's insane.
Rapidly trying to get it all done.
So much to do, and so little time.
And hoping, somehow, it'll all still be fun.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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