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Can't Be Lazy! Blog
6th November 2016


When I was stuck in hospital for the best part of 6 months, I got into the habit of having a "Post-Visiting Hours" nap.
Since coming home, I've continued that, and so around about 6pm each day I'll nap for about an hour or so, and it helps empower me for the rest of the night.


Yesterday's nap didn't happen.
Fireworks were going off all over, and I couldn't get any naptime at all.
Is it me, or have all the fireworks gotten a lot louder, this year? Hmm...

Anyway, I carried on coding for a few hours, and managed to get most of Gamma G working, but .. Boy did I need a sleep afterwards!

By 12am, I was desperately in need of a decent sleep, and since the fireworks mostly seem to have died down, that's exectly what I got.
And, boy did I make up for it!!

This "morning", I didn't wake up until 1:30pm! Oops!

It's now 2:40pm, and I'm still doing my standard morning stuff.. Blog, Pixelart, etc.

Hopefully I can have a more productive afternoon, because this morning's long gone.

Daily Doodle : Hello, Fans

Platdude waves to his many fans, through a PlatTube live stream.
There's at least three platizens watching!
It's ever so exciting!


Keep it down, out there.
I'm trying to sleep in here.
Your stupid bloomin' fireworks.
Ruin my nap, each year.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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