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More Gaminess! Blog
13th November 2016


I got most of Gamma X working, yesterday.
It still needs AI, but otherwise it's working nicely.



Over on Gamasutra, @just404it is showing off the results of his challenge to create 100 games over the course of just 5 years.
That's one heck of a challenge! I can't imagine ever managing to do that.
Link here.

80 games. Not quite the 100 he aimed for, but he certainly accomplished a great deal over the time.

A damn good effort!
Well done!! fact, it almost beats my own efforts!

Since 2012, I've only written 108 games. Compare that to the fact that there's been 260 weeks in that time, and you'll see I've barely even hit the halfway mark of true "AGameAWeek".

JayArchive : Jan 2012 to Dec 2016

Of those 108 games, however, two are actually Advent Calendars, each with 26 games, so there's really 168 games in total.
And then, of course, I'm currently working on the next Advent Collexion so it'll be up to 194 in a week or two. But that's just plain silly numbers.
We'll stick to 109 "Downloadables"

I can only imagine how high that number might've been if I didn't take 2015 off as my Gap-Year.
.. And then there's the whole crappiness of 2012's Brain Tumour incident, which reduced game-dev significantly, leading me to pretty much give up game-dev for the whole rest of that year..

But, yeah, 109's a nice number.
It's nowhere NEAR AGameAWeek, but hopefully those of you who frequent AGameAWeek understand the reasons why that's not something that I particularly worry about.

*roughly* one a week, unless I'm really busy, or generally being a lazy bugger!
That's good enough!

Meanwhile, congrats to @just404it on managing something so damn difficult.
Good work!

Next challenge : 200 over the next 5 years!!

Daily Doodle : Swing For Your Life

Platdude avoids the horrible pit of doom.
Who's that, down there?!


Bugs that seem to live forever.
Physics that refuse to bend.
Maths that never quite works out.
The Game-Dev task will never end.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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