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Tonight Was a Bloodbath Blog
28th November 2016
A few days ago, I uploaded the first version of GammaCollexion to TeamOUYA for review.
When you upload, you may waffle for a short time, which they hopefully read, and make note of.
I waffled about how I wasn't 100% sure on the multiplayer controls, and how they really oughta check those first, before moving on.


The initial rejection reply focussed on Game "R", which crashed due to a bit of broken maths in it, Game "Y" which also crashed due to a similar bug, and for some unknown reason, the entire game played no audio at all.

No mention of Dodgy Controller Code was made, so I was fairly confident that the code was working as expected.

I fixed up Game "R" fairly swiftly, got "Y" as good as I could get it, and ..
Frankly, I've no idea why the audio wasn't working!

Yesterday, I uploaded my "As fixed as I could make it" edition, and all was looking up.

Until this..

We had some issues with multiplayer. There appear to be some problems with controller detection. In MP, with wireless and wired controllers, we couldn't reliably enter certain games, such as #2. There were issues with the controller going haywire in level selection, quickly switching games or moving to the left or right with no input from users. And finally we saw in games such as in Number 1, where the player would lose control after a few moves.

The reply is unnerving for multiple reasons.
1) This was exactly why I asked them, specifically, to test that out!
3) I bought a new laptop...

In the past few days, I've moved everything from the old laptop over to the new one.
I've reinstalled Monkey on the new one, but Android Compiles are still being quirky.. But I've been in a "Oh, I'm in no rush, I can fix that later" sort of mood, since I *thought* I had until January to fix it..
Except .. Nope..

Now things are breaking down all around me, and I need to ensure that I can compile properly, from Monkey-X, to "fix" the issues with the controller, manage to get it compiling, hopefully manage to sign the apk properly, and get it all uploaded.
All by.. Um... Tomorrow!?!

It feels like the entire past two months have all been completely and totally worthless.
The entire Gamma Collexion is collapsing in on itself, and I can't seem to find a solution.

I'll struggle through, I guess. I usually do.
Tomorrow's another day, and there'll be another compiling of the game, and hopefully it'll actually work.
I can't do much more than that.

If I can't get the controller code to work, then I'll simply strip it out, and leave Gamma Collexion as a single player experience, the same as the previous two were. The HTML5 edition is already stripped down to single-player, and realistically it does indeed work like that.

If that's as good as I can make it, then it'll have to do, I suppose..

The thought occurs..

.. If I weren't still working with Monkey-X, this probably wouldn't be an issue.
Monkey-X's Android TV support has been minimal at best. The OUYA support worked great, but when it came time to upgrade to "proper Android TV", it was me who had to do all the dirty work.
I spent literally months getting the controller support to work in the first place, and managed to wrangle the code enough to support all manner of different devices.
But when it breaks, who do I turn to?

Right now I'm downloading Unity.

I'm not sure if I'll get along with Unity.
The last time I tried it, (March 2015) the amount of clicking I had to do in order to achieve anything, was enough to put me off.
I'm a keyboard coder at heart.
I'm fairly content to type LoadImage("ThisImage.png"), but Unity prefers I drag and drop all my assets.
It's not the sort of coding that I work well with.

But right now I'm completely ticked off by this whole situation.
Whether a change in language will help, and whether I can even cope with that change, I'm not sure.

I worry how AGameAWeek might be broken since I'm struggling to work with the new language.

But I have a whole month before I have to kick things off again, AGameAWeek-wise, so maybe I'll take this opportunity to try something new.
Try something different.

It's been a great experience, with Monkey-X.
But this latest experience has been rather depressing.
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Blog - Tonight Was a Bloodbath - AGameAWeek