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Sounding Off.. Blog
12th January 2017


To suggest I'm struggling to replicate the "No Audio" issue on Android, is a bit of an understatement.


I've got 4 Android devices, here. The original OUYA, the Razer Forge TV, an Archos Gamepad 2 and some newfangled ASUS 7" thing.
No matter what I try, I cannot replicate TeamOUYA's "I get no audio" bug, unless I literally mute the audio.
.. and yet, I'm expected to "fix" this issue.
It's truly baffling as to how I'm supposed to do this.



I spent so much time, yesterday, trying to fathom the audio issue, that I barely got any time to work on this week's game, which is annoying.
I think, today, I'll do the reverse, and try to get as much gamey stuff done as I can.

It's a very frustrating situation, that's for sure..

Daily Doodle : Sneaking Past

Platdude's trying to sneak under the eyeline of this turret.
Hopefully it doesn't have extra sensors near it's feet!


Trying to get all the pieces in place.
But one of them never quite fits.
Like constructing a wonderful LEGO model,
When you're working with all the wrong bricks.


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