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Nada! Blog
4th May 2017


A downer day..


Whenever flu hits me, it seems to go straight to my head, leading to a day or so where I can't properly focus on things.
Which is annoying, when I have a game to code!
Today, I'll try to get back into the normal swing of things. I did at least set up a few elements, yesterday, which should be easy enough to implement into the game.
I think.. Maybe!


Yesterday I got an email asking if I did Collabs.
Folk are always interested in attempting something like AGameAWeek, but are usually put off by having to do everything themselves!

For a multitude of reasons, I tend not to do Collabs.
For the most part, by the time I've decided on what a week's game is going to be, I've already half-drawn some of the sprites, and anything else that needs to be created has to be done within about a day or so, leaving very little time to organise anything.
If the collaborator was physically in the room, then it'd be easier, but trying to organise things over the internet, especially with timezones in the way.. It leads to an extremely difficult amount of organisation.

If I weren't aiming for AGameAWeek, it'd be easier, but .. I am!!
And that comes with it's own series of issues that have to be taken into account.
Trying to keep up with AGameAWeek is hard, and some days (like yesterday) I make things harder for myself by not even doing a bloomin' thing.
There's a lot of rushing to get everything done, and then it's posted online, and onto the next game.

The world of AGameAWeek is a chaotic mess... There's no room for collabs!


Having said that, I'm always up for fresh ideas.
The mailbag (or my gmail email bag of mail) is always open, and if you've got a bizarre game idea that you think might be doable, feel free to send it along.
Just don't expect a huge MMORPG, or giant sprawling story based game.
If you're here, reading this, then you should probably already know exactly what sort of games fit into AGameAWeek!!

Daily Doodle : GameCon

Platdude and his friend are visiting this year's GameCon.
I wonder if he'll pick up any cool treats?


Today I must focus,
And code like I should.
If I don't hurry up,
Then the game won't be good.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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