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Focus Blog
24th May 2017


Didn't get a lot of work done, yesterday, but I did at least bother to recreate the old BlitzCoder logo, because.. Why not!!?


I figured, at some point, I'd need to recreate the original BlitzCoder theme, so it'd be a good idea to have a nice HD version of the logo at hand. I tried to find it online, then attempted to cut the logo out from my poster (which still adorns my wall) but it didn't work out well at all.
Instead, I opted to redo-from-start.
Grabbing what I'm fairly certain is the right font (the imaginatively titled Computer Font seemed to line up absolutely perfectly), matched it's size to what was in my poster, then added a nice garish 3D effect, making it look as good/bad as it originally did.

Adding the 3D
I spent a good hour or so trying to figure this one out, looking for 3D tools, and all sorts.
In the end, I did it all in 2D, using Paintshop Pro.
Simply grab the original, add a basic greyscale gradient, then copy and paste it, over and over, adding more and more layers. Each layer, shrink the image width by 1%, and re-center it..
Job done!

Good stuff!
The file now sits in the same folder as my original SoCoder logo "Ball", where I can easily grab it in the future, whenever I feel the need to dig it out.

Daily Doodle : Space Walk

After getting settled on the Space Station, Platdude decides to go out for a short Space Walk.


They left in droves,
Yet a few lingered on.
I wonder what happens,
Once everyone's gone?


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