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What's in a name? (and other bits and pieces) Blog
30th August 2009
The ball from Pong, the gameplay from Tetris. The name seemed blindingly obvious to me.
But over the course of the past few days, I've received an inordinate number of complaints about the name.

It should be Breakout, it should be Asteroid, what!?


Sure, the balls breaking things in a Breakout like manner, but TetriBreakout?! That doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, does it?! And TetrAsteroid? WTF is that about!?
Tetripong is a nice name, it says all you need, it's short and sweet and it matches a previous game's name in a nice "we're a set" kind of way.
The two fit together nicely, as if designed to be that way.

The fact that people are pretty much ONLY complaining about the games name is a plus-point for me. There's been no "OMG! It Crashed", theres been no "It unexpectedly froze", and there's definitely not been a "This game needs a pause button"
In before "Where's the pause button"
To be fair, I didn't write that in anywhere.. Tab's your pause button..

So, success, let's leave it behind.
Next up, some kind of kickass RPG game, involving levelling up, a big map, and some other stuff.
Don't expect the moon on a stick, it'll look like this.

But will it appear on Tuesday?

I thought I had all the time in the world for this one. I had things planned out, and the game was on track. Then last night I woke up at a stupid hour in the morning, needed more sleep, and the time's all but run away from me. D'oh!

Instead, I think I'll open up the MidletPascal doohickey and have a play around with that for a few hours.
Get a couple of silly little phone games up and running, and then release those for Tuesday instead, giving me much more time to neaten up this little RPG doohickey.

Next up, a couple of things in the suggestions... without turning this into a proper Mailbag post!
For the love of god, Gravity Bob didn't work!! 8 mentions since Wednesday!? Let it go, people!!
Play MonkeyBlocks, that was a LOT better!

And as for the suggestion of some sort of scripted episodic game.
I did.. about 6 months ago.
I made a start on it, and I built up a nice engine that'd run it, and also download the scripts.
A simple little point 'n' click game, nothing too fancy, but one that I could build on as time moved on.

Near to completion though, I tried to write a sample script. The script writing was long and arduous and quite frankly sucked-ass..
To have to fit that in, as well as continue with AGameAWeek, and all my weekly Socoder stuff. It didn't seem worth it. So, the idea was scrapped.

Perhaps in the future I'll revisit it for a couple of one-offs, but it's just not worth the time it takes.
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Blog - What's in a name? (and other bits and pieces) - AGameAWeek