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iOS GETS! Blog
18th July 2017

Quadoban has been released on iOS!
You can grab the game on the AppStore, here.


Didn't expect it that quick.
I only submitted the game on Sunday. That's certainly sped up since the last time I did this.

Disclaimer : I'm not happy with the menu system, and there's absolutely no tutorial to the game whatsoever!!
But it works, and it's a nice little puzzler, and if you'd like to give it a go, it's currently free for the next day or so.

GOTO AppStore

And be sure to let me know what you think... And if it even works properly on your device!!


Yesterday was mostly spent (again!) tweaking SoCoder2.
A few more nips and tucks, as well as a handful of functions to help track down that hourly slowdown, because apparently it's still happening. Grrr!

As for what game comes next, I've still no idea.
I'll probably just start randomly typing commands until something shows up. That usually works out fine!

Daily Doodle : Let Me Cross

Every time Platdude tries to cross the bridge, this creature pops up demanding a toll to get across.
Next time, Platdude's bringing a big stick!


The game got through.
It happened so fast.
This surge of excitement,
It surely won't last.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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