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18th July 2017
Each July I have to pay my ?79.00 to keep dev'ing for iOS.
My previous game was SpikeDislike3, which I launched in June 2015.
The latest iOS release was Quadoban... today.
That means I've actually gone 2 whole entire PAID years (2015-2016 and 2016-2017) without releasing a single thing on iOS.
That's rather alarming...


I decided as this year's payment came up, that it'd probably be a good idea to get back into the swing of things.
I took a week relearning bits and pieces of iOS dev, and figuring out all the changed things that Apple had done to XCode in the time since my last release.

With Quadoban v1.0 uploaded, reviewed by Apple, and released this morning, I'm fairly confident that I can now move forward and get more complicated games running on the devices.

Things I really need to look into.


Apparently GameCenter is still a "thing", as much as Apple seem to be hiding it away, even deleting it's App from the iPhings.
So, I guess I still need to do something with GameCenter, which of course means I need to reintegrate achievements and the like into my framework, and then do the god-awful job of uploading those stupid mind-numbingly repetitive bits to Apple.
"1 Apple", "Eat 1 apple", "You ate 1 apple"
"5 Apples", "Eat 5 apples", "You ate 5 apples"
"25 Apples", "Eat 25 apples", "You ate 25 apples"

.. It's enough to drive a perfectly crazy coder even crazier!!

But it is at least do-able. I did it before! I can do it again!!
Monkey-X more or less does most of the hard work for you, anyway.


I've deleted the iCade stuff from my framework. I'm not sure if anyone even used it. Maybe I should ask..!?
I'd like to get MFi controller support working but that feels like it's going to be incredibly difficult to get working, especially through the layers that Monkey-X adds to development.


It might be nice to have my games run on the AppleTV, too, but I'd probably end up having to plug the AppleTV into the MacMini, and that means hooking an extra TV in the area, too..
It sounds very very messy!!


In an ideal world, my games would use iCloud to store the save-games, so you can continue your gameplay across all your devices.
I honestly haven't a clue how to begin integrating that, though. Heck, I don't even know where Monkey-X's save file ends up!!

.. But other than that..
The fact that Quadoban managed to get through review is important, as it means that I can move on to getting some games up and running.
I've already started work on a new version of Letter Lattice and have a few more ideas in mind.

As AGameAWeek continues, this year, you'll probably also start to see more mouse-driven games, as I try to build up a decent library of Touchscreen-enabled games.

I'll try not to make things "too" mouse-driven, though. I do like my buttons!

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