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Too Much? Blog
22nd July 2017

Journal Zooming


I'm going to have to scale back on my future plans a little..


Nothing too big, just that I spent ALL DAY yesterday drawing little 8x8 icons for a future PlatCross.
Like, literally ALL day!!
I should've been working on this week's game, and also Letter Lattice, but.. nope..
Just drawing oodles of little icons.

Seems that if I plan ahead, my mind tends to wander off and start doing all manner of things in preparation.
So, I'm going to forcibly stop myself from planning ahead, any more, because that was a rather silly waste of time.
Especially since PlatCross is still about 4 or 5 games down my list of future iOS games.

I needn't have spent all day doing that, and should've maybe taken half an hour to do a smaller batch, or something.
But, nope.. ALL day!!!

And then I spent the evening doing the choon above, for reasons I'm not entirely sure of.
A whole day wasted.
.. Well, quite productive in the grand scheme of things, but not really in any helpful way.

Today I need to refocus on this week's game as, since it's now getting fairly late in the week, I'm probably going to end up rushing the thing.
Bah, humbug!

Daily Doodle : Postie McRoboFace

Platdude's regular Postie has been replaced by a robot.
Platdude will miss the morning chats.


If I lay here.
If I just lay here.
I won't get any coding done.
I must get back in gear.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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