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Release - 2017-35 - The Sheriff of Cardington Blog
28th August 2017
The town of Cardington is under attack.
Find pairs of monsters, to save all your fellow townsfolk.


You can Download The Sheriff of Cardington here for Windows, play it in your browser, or find it on your Razer Forge TV (via Cortex) or other Droid-TV device of choice, once it's gotten through review!

The Brief

The town is getting overrun by evil card-based monsters.
What is this, Pokemon!?

Fight against the forces of evil by matching the monsters against each other.
If all else fails, use your gun!!


- Move
- Select and Shoot

How not to Lose

Don't let the monsters touch you!

What I didn't do/Possible Improvements

Powerups might've been nice, but I think I'd need to switch to smaller cards to add a more varied set.
Not sure how it'd work on iOS devices. Would probably have to switch the entire game to being tap-based, but then shooting monsters would be much easier.

The Download

You can Download The Sheriff of Cardington here for Windows, play it in your browser, or find it on your Razer Forge TV (via Cortex) or other Droid-TV device of choice, once it's gotten through review!

Views 416, Upvotes 24  
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(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 4

Blog - Release - 2017-35 - The Sheriff of Cardington - AGameAWeek