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Alpha Collexion Blog
27th December 2014
Alpha Collexion was AGameAWeek's 2014 Advent Calendar.
You can Download it Here for Windows, OUYA or playable in your browser using HTML5.
All games are now unlocked, and will remain playable forever! woot!


Abstract Action

J-Walker reborn without a musical style. Guide the Walker through the level and avoid all the evil deadly stuffs.

Left and Right to move.

Quite a nice little game.
Very much like "Sheep Goes Left/Right".
I prefer the sheep, I think, but if I ever feel like doing things a little different, J-Walker's a handy character/style to have at the ready!
Nothing too fancy, but reasonably nice, to kick things off.


Bouncy Bobby

Bounce Bobby along the many floating blocks, as far as you can.

Left and Right to move.

Not a terrible game, but could be much better.
Hoppy Bobby was a much more fun game, but I wanted to try out actual controls with Bobby instead of just having one-button controls.
I think he actually works better with just the one button!!
If in future I decide to create a "new" Hoppy Bobby, I'll no doubt stick to the single-button mechanic, instead.


Caterpillar Chaos

A good old fashioned Centipede clone!

Left and Right to move. Fire to .. um.. fire!

Fast and furious.
Missing the Spider, but there's oodles of deadly caterpillar bits to contend with.
I did consider doing another edition of "Centipong", but I feel like I've written about 20-odd versions of that over the past year or so!!


Destructive Detonation

Blow up the dots, in the best Chain Reaction that you can.

Move around, hit fire!

This was the first game I made where I realised that .. perhaps it might've been better to add levels into some of these games.
Making this into something more like BoxSplodings, with lots of levels to complete, would've been better.
Unfortunately, having selectable levels would've meant having a proper titlescreen for each of the games, and I hadn't implimented that into the menu system.
Aw well.. Live and Learn!


Exciting Encounter

Destroy as many of the enemy planes that you can.

Up, Down, Fire..

This game was fairly bland and uninteresting for quite a while.
In many ways, it's a generic "move to dodge" game, and there's not much point in fighting back.
Adding the "fuel" thing switched this from a generic "SpikeDislike" thing, into a more shooty game.
... Powerups! They're handy things!!


Flapping Fing

Flap and Collect

Push Button to Flap!

A Flappy-Clone at F seemed almost inevitable.
I made it more of a collect-a-thon, and added that annoying "Looks collectable, but.. NO!!! It kills you!!" in a vague attempt to spice it up a bit.
It's fairly generic, though.
Nothing much to see, here.


Gone Golfin'

Hit the ball towards the hole!

Left and Right to turn around. Fire to hit.

Platdude Goes Golfing was a great little game that I made a few years ago, using the website
Since then, although I keep trying to remake it, it never quite comes out as well as the original.
This time, I stripped it back to it's basics, and it's actually turned out much better than I thought it would.
Given more time, I'd've liked to have added more obstacles into the mix, as the game goes on, but .. meh, time!


Heli Hover

Avoid the Spikes!

Movement to Move!

Another simplistic "dodge the evil things" game, but this time with far more momentum to control.
I also added ludicrously speedy obstacles to dodge, once you get past the opening bits of the level, so watch out for those!


Ice Incident

Jump on the Couch...

Button to Jump

I initially wanted this game to be a lot like "Hen Hopping", but somewhere along the way, it went a bit wrong.
I'm not a fan of this game.
Out of all 26 games in this collection, this is the one I'd scrap, and replace with something entirely different.
Time wasn't on my side.


Junior Jumpjet

Float around and shoot the baddies

Left and right, Button A to shoot, Button B or Up to Jetpac!

A rather simplistic take on JetPac, but without any actual goal!
Would it have been better if I'd gone the whole hog and made it level-based with rocket parts to collect?
I'm not sure.
I enjoyed the game enough, this far along, so left it as it was.


Karate Kerfuffle

Hit the buttons as displayed o kick and punch your way through.

Z/X/C (or Joypad Buttons A,B,C) and up/down/left/right to direct.

BeMani without the Be!
Fairly complex, and .. I'm not sure if it ends up going too fast for it's own good..
But it's a music game without music, and as far as those go, it does a pretty decent job.


Leaping Lizard

Avoid leaping onto the same coloured tile twice, whilst making your way across the maze.


Another game that took a bit of a nose-dive in the last few minutes.
Started off well enough, and had good intentions, but lazily dropped off towards the end.
I tried my best to balance this game, but it's occasionally too tough for it's own good.
A nice enough concept, but might be better if done with proper levels instead of being random.


Money Maze

Collect all 8 coins from the maze without getting killed by the ominous blobs.

Movement for Movement!

This is "The other rubbish game" in the collection, I'm afraid.
Another game that really could've done with better balancing.
Once you hit level 3 or 4, the game starts to get trickier, but up until then it's quite a snoozefest.
I could probably have also done with some decent AI!


Numbing Numbers

Reduce the Total to meet the Target.

Up, Down and Fire.

I came up with this idea about 6 months ago, but never got around to trying it out.
It's not a bad concept, and occasionally gets you thinking, but I feel like it still needs something a little extra, to get the brain-cells flowing a little faster.
I may revisit this game, later.
For what it's worth, I know a lot of people won't enjoy this game, but I like it


Ooooh, Octopus!

This ain't no Mummy! Run around each of the boxes in the grid, collecting the bubbles, to open each box. Escape using the ring!

Move to Move!

This game does exactly what it set out to do!
Not sure the sudden appearance of a ring is obvious enough to the player, as the end-of-level thing...
But otherwise the game works as expected. Not a whole lot you can do with Oh Mummy, really!


Penguin Parade

Guide the Penguin Parade along the clouds

Left, Right and Jump

Oooooh!!! I LOVE this game!!!
Out of all the games in the collexion, this is my favourite. (Well, this and another one, but that's for later!)
Expect to see more of this, reamde, at a later date!


Quriously Qubic

Light up the arena, by hopping on the Qubes.

Hopefully not too baffling..

The engine worked out nicely, especially since I managed to code this entire game in just a few short hours.
The "TNT" doesn't actually kill the player, at all. It looks and feels like it probably should, but it doesn't!
Might play better with "proper" enemies, but for part of an advent calendar, you can't complain.


Roller Runner

A semi-board-game type collect-em-up. Grab the gummies, and avoid the ants.

Button to roll, Move to Move.

It's a bit slow, and the dice-movement might've been better if I just gave the player 6-spaces per round, instead of leaving it up to the dice.
But it kinda works.
I generally have a rule of not making Board-Game style games, because they tend not to work very well.
.. Case in point!
If redone, I'd probably start it off on level 6, just so it starts off at a harder pace.


Soda Service

Keep the patrons happy, by serving them glasses of soda. (Generic Tapper Clone!)

Up, Down and Fire.

OUYACentral and OUYABrew (Of the OUYACast) were nagging me to make a Tapper clone, so I bundled this together in a fairly short amount of time.
I'm pretty sure I got most of the elements in place, but if I'm honest, it's been a LONG time since I last played Tapper!!


Tower Torment

Grab a log, and throw it at the oncoming blob-army.

Left, Right and Fire

A decent enough clone of Ork Attack.
It does it's job.
.. Nothing much more to say, really!
Ork Attack!!


Urgent Umberella

It's raining. Grab a bucket!!

Left and Right

Catch the drops as they fall. A concept you'll probably recognise from the classic Mad Bomber.
I've not really changed all that much, really.
A simple game, but if you're playing with a gamepad, be sure to use the d-pad. The game gets extra tricky when you're using the analogue stick!!


Volatile Velocity

Leap over the bushes and collect the presents.

Button to Jump

This was initially intended to look more like the horse/train minigame from the 8-bit classic Kane.
Then I remembered I can't draw.
Now it's a circle instead of a wonderfully animated horse!!


Warning : Waves

Grab the presents and avoid the asteroids.

Turn and Thrust

A simple enough dodge-em-up, with a ludicrously small amount of scoring!
You're going to have to work really hard to score in the hundreds, in this game!
It's not obvious, but the playfield is in fact a wraparound screen, so if you're ever in too much danger, simply hop around the border!!


Xplosion Xperiment

An extreme dodging game.

Move and Fire together!

I occasionally start this game and die almost instantly. .. That makes it a GREAT game
Simplistic weapons, and ridiculously fast "meteors" make this a neat little space shooter/avoidance game.
Eagle eyed players might recognise the ship from the last game!


YBox Yahtzee

Yahtzee meets Klax!

Left and Right to move, Button to Rotate

My second favourite game from the Collexion.
Actually, a lot more playable than I thought it would be.
I expect that a nicer frontend, with loads of options and things, might make this into something worthwhile.
I have a lot of ideas in mind for this game.
You'll be seeing it again!


Platdude in Zone Zero

Game&Watch Mario Bros?

Left and Right, and Button to Jump

I wasn't sure that adding "real" movement to the classic Game&Watch Mario Bros game would work out, but it's actually not too bad.
I probably wouldn't ever expand on this, but for what it is, it's ok!


Alpha Collexion was AGameAWeek's 2014 Advent Calendar.
You can Download it Here for Windows, OUYA or playable in your browser using HTML5.
All games are now unlocked, and will remain playable forever! woot!
Views 63, Upvotes 9  
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Blog - Alpha Collexion - AGameAWeek