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Y2:W25 - Box's Adventure Blog
16th February 2010
aka BadgeBox, because I kept changing it's name, but forgot to update the exe's title! d'oh!

A nice simple maze game, with health points and power points.
Collect the gems to up your health and power, and collect Badges to increase your abilities.
If you manage to collect the four outer "Cornerstone Badges" you'll open up an exit in the level, which completes the game.
Otherwise you'll probably die!


There is also, of course, the rare probability that you just run out of power, there's nothing left to kill you, and you're stuck without anything left to do. Should that happen, you're probably just going to have to quit!
With that in mind, keep those gems where they are, if you don't need them... They'll come in handy later!

Movement, and three buttons.
Button one will let you move quicker once you've got the Speed badge. (should be close by)
Button two will let you fire water once you've got the Water badge. (should be in the starting area)
And Button three will zoom the map for you!

They default to Z,X and V, but are redefinable in the nice Tab/Option menu.
Additionally, you can define all 4 available control schemes, so you can switch between them ingame. Neato!

Windows : 4.9Mb
Linux : 4.7Mb (Compiled under Ubuntu 9.10)

No Extras this week, nothing much was additionally designed apart from the DVD Case, so here's that all on it's own.

This game turned out a wee bit bigger than expected, mostly due to all those little tiny dots not saving very well in .png format, and the fact that I inexplicably decided to make little vocally sound bytes for each badge.. whoopsy!


AGAW Scoring : 25 weeks, 33 games. A nice score so far, and many more to come.
Views 65, Upvotes 9  
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 4

Blog - Y2:W25 - Box's Adventure - AGameAWeek