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Breakdown Blog
16th October 2017
OUYA's been dead for a couple of years, now, but it seems that Razer's latest plan is to replace "Android TV Gaming" with "Android Mobile Gaming", and .. well, I've written about that, before.

Basically, if what's left of TeamOUYA want me to publish games on Android-Standard (ie, no controller, touchscreen only) then they're either going to have to do all the previously mentioned game-management/publishing for me.. for free!! ... Or they're going to lose me.
I don't have time for the chaos of Android Standard. With Android TV I can at "mostly" control where my games end up, and how they're sold. But Android Regular is absolute chaos.

So, I suppose this is the end of the OUYA Road, for me, then.

If you head on over to the OUYA Games page, and search for "Developer: Jayenkai", you'll see this lovely little stat pop up.

My next OUYA game will be my 100th.

It'd be a shame for that to be my last, but realistically, I think it very well might be.


Over on Twitter, Mark Sibly is busy declaring himself worn out, and tired of the whole Monkey-2 thing.
After decades of building mostly-unsuccessful GameDev languages, it looks like he's ready to throw in the towel.
It'll be a shame to lose his wonderful languages.

For what it's worth, pretty much EVERY game on this site, which supports Windows, has been made using a Mark Sibly developed language.

That's a whopping 344 games, using a variety of Blitz 2D, Blitz 3D, BlitzMax and Monkey-X.
That's everything from JNKFruit2K2, right up to Sheep Goes Right.

I don't think Mark intends to "Leave", but he's definitely pondering the need to get a "Proper Job", and I do feel somewhat to blame for that scenario.
Hundreds of games, but only ever a single price of entry.

Although, on the flip side, if the language had been on a "Pay per game" license, me and my hundreds of freeware game would never have coped with such a thing!!

It's a dilemma.
I'd love to be able to send huge donations Mark's way, as a way of saying thanks, but ... Freeware ain't going to do that, and as can be seen by the pitiful 10 sales that Sheep Goes Right has so far managed on iOS...
People are reluctant to buy games from "That no-name guy who's only made over 400 games"


What's Next?

I spent last night wondering what might be next for me.
With my OUYA journey over, my iOS journey on a knife's edge, and Mark's Blitz-journey seemingly ending too... Where do I go from here?
I spent hours and hours, last night, downloading all those different languages.
I've got Python, Perl and other crap running rampant on my Hard Drive, and it looks like I'll be forced to install some kind of Microsoft VS devkit at some point, too.
I tried about half a dozen different setups, and nothing seemed to work well for AGameAWeek.

The only half-decent ones seemed to ignore HTML5 target, and that's a bit of a let down.
I've gotten used to having HTML5 be my "test" target, and an easy way to let people play the games without needing to faff about with compiling a Linux/Mac edition.
But it doesn't look like that's going to be part of the future of AGameAWeek, or at least, not unless I can find a neat way to incorporate it into my devkit.

I'm not sure what's going to be happening, moving ahead.
But it's the end of the year, and it's about this time that I typically take some time off from AGameAWeek and focus on a big Xmas game, and sorting out next year's devkit.

I might end up doing just that, for the next month or so.
Trying out different languages, filling my hard drive with utter crap, and hopefully managing to remove most of it before it causes Win10 to have a meltdown!

I might yet jump on over to Monkey2, as that seems to have the right feel. I know from previous Mark-languages, that he wouldn't leave it unfinished. He'd at least ensure that the language is functional enough that it can be expanded and tweaked.
Or I might wind up with Unity or one of those "PRUFESSHUNAL" languages.
Who knows.

If you've any suggestions, let me know.

It's time for an overhaul.
.. I bet I probably end up sticking with Monkey-X, though. I do like it!
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