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Suggestion Box Blog
27th October 2010
I've no idea what I'll be tackling this week, again, so pop a random thought or two below!


What an odd week it's been.
A rushed game, a dead PC and my sister's wedding!

Looking back, or even looking at the time, the game wasn't all that great.
It was definitely a rushjob, and it shows. But it's quite interesting to see what can be achieved in the space of a few hours, using what was mostly computer generated assets. The graphics were randomly generated in Blitz, and the sounds were similarly randomly generated in SFXr. If coders in the 80s could do that, they'd be laughing!
It's a neat experiment, and gameplay wise it's all nice and tough, like a classic 80s hit.
Probably not a lengthy game, though!
Bit too repetitive!

But a blast in Hard mode!
(PS, MingaMango, I just beat your highscore )

PC wise, the system's having a hard time. Poor thing keeps randomly freaking out, so I'm about 70-odd% sure it's a Memory issue.. (especially since it stalls during bios, before reaching the HardDrive Scanning bit.)
I should take a look at it, really!
If the Mac wasn't already sitting here, and totally usable, I'd probably be more willing to faff about with the PC. As it stands, the Mac's doing alright, so... *shrugs*
PC = TVDownload box!

It's currently doing a massive virus scan (surprisingly without any issues!) while the Mac's doing a massive backup.
So, plenty of time to write all this, and fit in a few games of Space Clusters.

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