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Amiga!!! Blog
7th December 2010
This week, I bought one of these...


Ordered it Sunday night from
Packaged yesterday, with emails to keep me informed every step of the way.
Sent out last night.
Received this morning.


So, step one..
Try to connect PCMCIA device to Amiga.
Unscrew Amiga, wiggle port to fit into hole properly, rescrew Amiga.
Turn on Amiga.

Step Two
Stare at TV that's not been used in about 4 or 5 years.
Wonder how to switch TV over to "AV" without a Remote control.
Wonder a bit more.
Grab the spare Freeview box that's been sat about doing nothing for a while.
Get Freeview box to send "Turn over to me" signal to TV.
Unplug Freeview box, and plug in Amiga.

Step Three
Hunt for Workbench disk.
Hunt for Workbench disk.
Hunt for Workbench disk.
Find Backup of Workbench disk.

Step Four
Realise that leaving an Amiga mouse sat in a drawer for 10+ years, probably doesn't do it a lot of good.
Open Mouse.
Look at contents.
Close up mouse, decide to use Left-Amiga + Cursors + Left-Alt to control the mouse. (Blimey, how on earth did I remember THAT?!)

Step Five
Run EasyADF disk.
Become baffled as to why it's not working.
Try a different CompactFlash card, revealing the fact that, although AmigaKit supplied the CF card, the supplied one doesn't seem to work with said PCMCIA device. Other one does.. Gudgud

Step Six
Use EasyADF to grab a handful of disks.
Piss about for a few hours.

End result
I grabbed the original Amiga version of this..

View on YouTube

Here's the original.
Be warned, this is old, and I used to be a lot worse at this!!

More olde stuff to come, once I've got some time to play about with it all.
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