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Learning "Online" Blog
4th March 2018
Today during testing, I hit a rather nasty issue with the framework.
When coding the Online Scoreboard component, I added a 5 second timeout to the code.
Unfortunately, as well as that works "in theory", the timeout is completely ignored during the "connect" part of the script.


Basically, the script says
A) Connect to server
B) Send Latest Scores
C) Get Back Scoreboard Table

B and C will obey the timeout, but A currently doesn't.
I can easily test B and C by adding a delay to the script it's requesting, but A is harder to test*...

At the end of a round, the game tried to upload my highscore, but completely stuck for what must've been about a minute, as the server was being "weird", during which time no interaction was working at all with the game.
Couldn't quit, couldn't Alt+Tab out.. Nothing..

So, that definitely needs fixing.

This week's game may be delayed as a result!

I need to learn about timeouts and possibly even the dreaded realm of threading. eeek!

* After some googling, the preferred method seems to be to try to connect to things like I'll be attempting that, shortly.
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2018 Framework
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Blog - Learning ''Online'' - AGameAWeek