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Site Stuff Blog
26th March 2018
Quite a busy day, yesterday. Not only did I get the game finished off and posted, I also then tackled a couple of website things that I'd not yet bothered to do.


The new "latest scoreboard score" thing might be ok as-is for the meantime, but if my games inexplicably become popular, I'll have to tweak the way it works, so you can filter certain games and whatnot.
But for now it'll do!
(Although, it could probably do with link-backs to the games.. hmm..)

As well as that, I spent a bit more time tweaking the wiki site. Yes, that's still a thing!
The Games for Windows page now exists, along with Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, NDS and Java.

The site definitely still needs a whole lot of work, but most of the tweaks, fixes and updates are actually part of rescanning EVERY page, here, and making the appropriate links between Blog and Game.

You'll notice that an old game like Star Trek Pong 3 has significantly less substance than a more recent game like Flappadiddle Doo.
It's currently a case of page-by-page scanning everything in the blog, and numerically linking anything back to the game's page. But I'm currently going quite slow, since every page I'm flicking through has oodles of old broken links and badly formatted content.

This is what happens when you still use the same database contents from an almost-decade-old wordpress blog, and mix it up with hundreds of games!!

Who knows.. Some day, I might actually have padded out the Wiki site enough that I can actually get around to adding Wiki features.
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Daily Blog , Wiki
New games every week!
Site credits : Jayenkai made this.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 4

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