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2018 - Game 9 - Blockman Gets Retro Blog
3rd June 2018

Blockman returns in this super-retro dot-munching remake.


The Brief

The mechanics of Blockman Gets are easy.
Blockman is hungry, and would like to eat as many pellets as he can, but he can't go back, so every step he takes must ensure there's still a path ahead of him.

It's the best Pacman clone without ghosts that you'll play!

You can Download Blockman Gets Retro here, for Windows, Linux, MacOS and 3DS Homebrew.

The Controls

- Move!
- Move Faster (works, but isn't recommended due to it being bloomin' uncontrollable!)

How not to Lose

Don't get yourself blocked into a corner, and watch out for those annoying one-way paths, too. They can really trip you up.

What I Didn't Do

I didn't add ghosts!!
I was going to add them in, with a "Every two moves you make, they move one step closer" mechanic, but my pathfinder test thing couldn't quite cope with that!!
Aw well, there's always another time.

You can Download Blockman Gets Retro here, for Windows, Linux, MacOS and 3DS Homebrew.
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Blog - 2018 - Game 9 - Blockman Gets Retro - AGameAWeek