For those struggling in the future...
"[CCDirector sharedDirector] deviceOrientation]"
"[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation]"
Things achieved today.
1. Accelerometer sorted! Hurray!
2. Pause Button added! Hurray!
... um, that's it.
Damn, been a slow day, today.
I actually spent a long time, today, helping clear out the "Shed of things not thrown away"
We threw some stuff away.
We threw a LOT of stuff away!
And yet, it still ended up looking like this..
Lots more to do, there, to, then.. Busy week!
Tomorrow I'll try to focus on the framework a little more.
The current todo list is additional Audio stuff, Save/Load stuff, and a proper generic paused screen with a Quit button.
I might have a look at Music stuff, but.. .. I've not even started looking at XM playback yet.
So much to do!!