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RAWR!! Blog
15th July 2018
#571 isn't coming together, AT ALL..
No matter what I do, I can't seem to get it to work out.
Either it's too easy, and your bullets are too powerful, and the baddies can't reach you...
.. or it's WAY too difficult, and the sheer insane bombardment of enemies is completely overpowering.


Today, I'm going to try adding occasional bombs.
This was a "in my dream" addition that appeared to work well enough, so I'll transfer it over to IRL, and see if it works properly.

Handy when a dream gives you an idea, like that.

I'm not 100% convinced it'll work, as it might still be a little chaotic, but it's the best idea so far!!

Timing wise, we're already up to Sunday, and by now I'm usually doing "endy" bits, before bundling everything up.
As such, it might be a teensy bit late, this week. But I'm definitely trying as best as I can to get it all done.

Bah, humbug!


To take my mind off things, I did another ALChoon last night.

Generous Zaps marks the end of the Generous AL-Bum, and so I also took the time to upload everything to Bandcamp.

You can Download Generous here, from Bandcamp.

Uploading to Bandcamp is a complete pain in the arse, as you have to upload each track individually, (as high quality wav files, which take ages) and then edit the info for each because apparently it's incapable of understanding that "Generous Appetite.wav" is a track named "Generous Appetite"!

Anyhoo, the Bandcamp version allows for high quality MP3, but also FLAC or other such formats if you want REALLY rich quality audio, since it starts off with the wav format.
You "can" pay for the tracks, there, or just download for free. Apparently it allows for no more than 200 free downloads, though, so if you're aiming for a freebie, better get there before.. ..
.. Well, not many downloaded the last album I put there, so you're probably safe!

You can Download Generous here, from Bandcamp.

Failing that, you can always just grab the "Download the Album" link from the usual music page, as with all the AL-Bums.
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