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Damn, it's gone... Blog
20th July 2011
I had a decent topic in mind for the blog, earlier.... *shrugs*
Should've wrote it down..

No matter, I can randomly waffle for 10 minutes! I usually do ok with that...

So, Lion!
Since I'm currently typing this on my Mac, I'm wondering whether I should...

On the one hand, blimey that's a cheap upgrade..
If it were, say Windows Vista -> Windows 7, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be that cheap, and nor will Win7 -> Win8.

On the other hand, though, I kinda know what Apple's like with updates!
"It's Smooth! It Works!! It's AWESOME!!!"

I've shouted, screamed, ranted and raved enough about upgrading my iPod.
I've whinged and complained about having to update XCode OVER and OVER and OVER again!
The thought of having to go through all of that once more is slightly off putting to say the least, especially since it also means a total backup, just incase! (and then the inevitable putting everything back, if it does bugger up something.)

I might wait it out until I've done an update for Daisy Chains. That's the last thing I need... A fresh new game, and a system collapse so mental that I can't update it!

So, yeah.. wait it out, probably.

Meanwhile, here's the list of things I've accomplished today.

.. um..


Yeah, I've been extra lazy today!
I played Sheep Goes Left for a bit. Tempted to carry on.
People don't like it, it isn't selling, at all, but ffs I really love playing it!
So I might set aside a bit of time and build an extra 100 level group, and maybe add some nice GameCenter stuff. (I'm thinking a combined score for worlds 1-10/11-20.. so 2 scoreboards for each group = currently 4, possibly 6)

Some Badge ideas are starting to sprout, too, so.. yeah.
As unprofitable and unnoticable as it is, I think I'm gonna have a fiddle with the sheep anyway.
.. and I don't mean like that....

In the meantime, I'm apparently giving myself even more to do.
If you've got any DS Homebrew tech, click here and see if you can help me out at all.
I need testers to see if my ye-olde homebrew tech still works, and whether it's worth giving it all a fresh go.
If you can, do, thanks
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Blog - Damn, it's gone... - AGameAWeek