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Redefining PMC Blog
31st July 2011
Although I haven't yet started to code anything, I have spent the past few days wondering how best to tackle redefinable keys in the PlayMyCode.
I'm unsure whether to go for a menu based thing, or not.


In my head, a config for a Virtual Joypad would look something a little like this..

The main issue is that the config would need to be saved somehow, and with a buttload of games, those saves aren't going to be cross-game compatible, so it'll be per-game config, and you'll have to do it over and over and over again. grr..

If the PMC guys integrate something, it would only suit a small subset of games, and people would probably whinge that they can't have redefinable button #185 on the virtual controller, for their super duper mega game, or perhaps the virtual controller doesn't do analogue... OMG!!WTF!!?

Sure, it'd be great for me, but we need to worry about others, too.

So, what other options do we have?
Intuitive, intelligent configs seem to be the most obvious solution.
"Press Start", then assume that's the button they're going to use.

If other buttons are needed, just kinda go with the flow, and figure out what they're pushing.

I think tomorrow will be a really really odd game, because I have quite a bizarre idea in mind, to test how intuitive all this could actually be.

could be tricky!

but it should help a bit.
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