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Scrabbling for Words Blog
3rd May 2019

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Massive enhancements, tonight, as the Crossword Game's brain gets a little shove in the right direction.


Current issues.

1. I still haven't done anything about the blank tiles, meaning not only do they not function correctly, but the AI really doesn't have a clue what to do with them.

2. There's something slightly awry with the "Swap Tiles" function. I haven't added it into the player's arsenal, just yet, but whenever the AI attempts it, it seems to end up adding more letters to the bag than it should! This isn't "really" noticeable until right at the end of the game, when the computer player has somehow ended up with 7 blank tiles!!
.. And there's only 2 in the game.

3. The AI is still mostly ignoring Premium Tiles, so is ignoring some really great word placements. I need to figure out how to add those.

4. And then adding GUI elements for Swapping Tiles, and Selecting the Blank, and a little "Letters left in the Bag" thing. Things like that.
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
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Blog - Scrabbling for Words - AGameAWeek