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AGameADay's not happening, is it?! Blog
15th August 2011
You could say I crapped out, and gave up.
I aimed for 52. I aimed for a 2nd whole year's worth of games, within a startlingly short amount of time.

But I probably would've managed it..


"Life gets in the way"
I wrote that yesterday, when posting about Spinal's Spike DiSlike remake, and it kinda rang home a bit.
Life does indeed get in the way, and having done almost a whole week without any games, I think it's time I say "Ok, fair enough, I did my best"

28 more games are on PlayMyCode than when I started, I've publicised their site as much as I could, I've done a couple of youtube vids, I've spawned a new iOS game (Daisy Chains) and I've even had a couple of game ideas that could potentially be even bigger. (although it's not hard to be bigger than Daisy Chains, with it's current sales..)

I think, given that I've done all that within about 6 weeks, that's probably a damn good effort!

Feel free to argue.

OK, Now What?:>

AL's busy remaking his Sheep Goes Left soundtrack, so it all fits snuggly into DS compatible MOD files. That's nice!
The DS edition also needs an editor, some levels, and some nice load/save routines.

Daisy Chains has, just a few hours ago, been updated in the AppStore to include it's nice new GameCenter stuff, so the next update (The one with Arcade mode) needs to be rushed ahead.

SpikeDislike could also do with some sort of a bump, too. That SpikeGolf mode keeps ringing away in my head. I'm not sure if that'd be the same game, or .. .. A spin-off!?!?

And then we're back to Sheep again, trying to add the nice new Pack 4, alongside some GameCenter stuff of it's own.

Good grief, that's a lot of stuff to do..

Meanwhile, I'll continue to come up with some nice PlayMyCode games, and when I'm all relaxed, we'll jump back onto the good old AGameAWeek bandwagon, and get things kicked off properly again.

Here's to AGameADay : It kinda worked, but it totally knackered me out!

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