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Even being lazy is busy! Blog
18th August 2011
The plan
1. Do 3 quick pieces of music.
2. Finish off the 50-level version of Sheep DS.
3. Check it.
4. Be a lazy goit.


The last three tracks (worlds 8 9 and 10) were done within a couple of hours. Finished by 10, and a quick tweak of my plans allowed me to be done even quicker. (Rather than make the editor a bit better, and fix the last 12 or so objects, I opted to NOT make the editor a bit better, and leave it half done! yeay!)
So everything was actually done by about half 10.
.. then I had to check it all.
all those levels, one by one.

My GBATemp post was made at 12:05, so that's about an hour and a half of testing..
If I didn't know those levels back to front, that'd have been about seven hours!
Luckily, I've played them to death.
And they're still fun
And tricky!!

And so to part 4.
The Lazy bit!


or rather, go to shop, make dinner, start tea, post all about Sheep DS beta 2, etc,etc..

I hate when the "relax" bit gets stupidly filled up with the random chores of life!

Still, the sheep thing is done, and I'm leaving it as-is for the next few days.
I have a newsletter to write, tonight, and then tomorrow has been set aside for "Website Fixups", so you can look forward to a few random tweaks around the site..
There's probably 1,000 other things I've forgotten about, though.
There usually is!
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
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Blog - Even being lazy is busy! - AGameAWeek