New games every week!
I've skipped a few things, today...
14th September 2011
For the past few weeks, I've gotten myself into a schedule on Wednesdays.
Worklog posting on Socoder, iDev on the Mac, and now NNI Game of the Week, too. Today, all those things didn't happen. -=-=- -=-=-=- Worklog didn't get posted. To be fair, I've done about 95% of a game within the past few days, so the weekly "What Have You Done" topic would probably have been a nice big area to post about it. At the time that my phone's alarm went "OI, DO THAT!!", I was right in the midst of doodling a nice new backdrop. I decided not to interrupt myself, and ten seconds later, I forgot all about it. No matter.. This week's NNI Game also went the same way as the Worklog. I woke up, and NNI was my first thought of the day. By the time I'd sat down at the PC, I got all excited about trying out Win8, and then swiftly forgot all about the NNI thing. d'oh! Still, I think Wednesday's a nice day to be doing that, so .. we'll keep it by for next week. unless people whinge about it. Now... The iDev. I probably really totally should've done that, today!!! ... I'll be honest. I'm really enjoying NeonPlat Adventures a lot more than I oughta be! So I kept on doing that. whoopsy! View on YouTube Hopefully, by next week, the editor and all the framework for the game will be done. By that point, I can hop in and out of the game, and build it bit by bit. Everything else may interrupt as much as it wants, from that point on! Views 40, Upvotes 7
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