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Player Thoughts - Pogo The Fridge and Alexandra Muffin Blog
21st October 2019
With the huge number of games being posted, the mailbox is bulging with feedback from all the players!
Let's see what RSKGames thinks, this week!!

You can Play both of these games in the Browsercade on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.


Pogo The Fridge

Liked the health bar mode for life instead of the 3 life stickers in the original. The fridge getting beaten up sprites for each bullet hit is a nice touch.


I added the fridge-damage to the Petit Switch edition, the week before, and quite liked the way it looked.
With all the bullets onscreen, it seemed insane to have my usual one-hit-death mentality, so this seemed a much better way to do it.

The fruits gun and eye's animation looks very nice, did not notice that in the original maybe the sprite are nice, big and clean in browercade version?

No, they're in the original, too. Just.. like you say.. they're tiny in that version.
Everything here is scaled up to twice the size, so it's much easier to see the tiny little eyes on the fruit!

The Z key for jump had very little effect in the Y direction, initially I thought there was no jump apart from the normal Pogo jump mode.

If you hold Z you'll notice Pogo pogoing much higher.
I've always hated having to time button taps to jumps, when moving quickly. Those stupid trampolines on classic Mario would always end up killing me, because I didn't time it EXACTLY. So, instead, Hold = Higher, and you'll find that works for a LOT of my games.

The rate of enemy fire is very high could not cross to level 4/5. Managed to score only 1775 high score. A good addition to Browercade collection.

The firing rate isn't "THAT" high, it's just that there's a lot of fruit once the levels start getting higher!
In general, you want to hop to the top of the level as quickly as you can, then squish all the fruit from top to bottom. That method helps avoid a lot of the gunfire.

Alexandra Muffin

''Surprisingly, I managed quite a bit, this week.'' very true.

I started this week's game with only about 2 days free, and yet somehow I think I managed to make it into one of the largest games in the collection so far!
Cramming everything into a tiny amount of time, I reused TONS of stuff.
The eye style from the Pogo Fruit, the ghosts and sounds from Blockman, the flames from that awful Disk O' Green.
A prime example of old stuff getting a new coat of paint.

The only things I really drew for this week's game were a new background, as well as Alexandra and a few glazings.

So many power ups each with its own unique usefulness and 3 different enemy types and . I encountered 5 different power ups. Pumpkin spice, Hot pepper, Cool mint, Sticky Chocolate and Hard glaze. I could not figure out what is Hard glaze power is.

Indeed! 5 was plenty!! (Braindead.. Couldn't think of any more)

In order of sprite number..
Hot Cinnamon - Lets Alexandra spit fire. I WAS going to make this more like Mario's Fireball, but opted to keep things a little simpler!
Cool Mint - Protects you against Flames. (The only way to kill them!)
Pumpkin Spice - Keeps you safe from ghosts. (Like how a pumpkin is meant to scare away ghosts.. ... I think..?!)
Sticky Toffee - Collects all nearby gumdrops!
and Hard Glaze - Just a shield. It doesn't "Do" anything, but then neither does a Mushroom in Mario.

As usual the spinning spikes are a big menace.

The mindset for those was that last week's Petit game turned out to be a surprisingly fun remake of Sheep Goes Left, but with entirely random levels.
I wanted to reuse that, here, so if you've played the two, you'll notice the spike movement is VERY similar between them.

The power-up sprites are beautifully created. All the Mario game play mechanics seem to be well done.

Yep. It's very much a Generic Platformer, but when compared to Pogo The Fridge, the two are VASTLY different in how you play them.
It's odd that, as similar as the two games are, (floor blocks, hopping, squishing) there's still quite a difference between the two.
They feel like very different games.

I managed to cross 3 levels and got 3075 as High score.

My highest so far is 2820, so you're beating me as per usual
I really need to come up with a way to get online scores working, don't I..

Overall a very polished and enjoyable game.

Glad you enjoyed both games.

Now.. What will next week's game be?
I really shouldn't do a fourth platformer in a row!

You can Play both of these games in the Browsercade on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.
Views 99, Upvotes 20  
Player Thoughts , Browsercade
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Blog - Player Thoughts - Pogo The Fridge and Alexandra Muffin - AGameAWeek