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Note To Cooolgamer
27th November 2019
Hello, Cooolgamer.
I see you're trying to help out, by posting my 3DS Homebrew .cia's over at GitHub. -=-=- I have no issues with my games ending up all over the internet, and I'm 99.9% sure they already are. Wide and far-afield. In fact, someone recently archived all my OUYA games to Nice! But GitHub is a whole different kettle of fish. GitHub "expects" sourcecode. And without sourcecode, you're essentially (in the eyes of the moderators of GitHub) taking a random selection of (could be pirated, who knows!) .cia files, and dumping them onto their servers. No sourcecode.. Just a bunch of "Roms" all in one place. I expect that, if they notice them, they won't take too kindly to that sort of thing. In my humble opinion, you're probably better off removing them, before the big-wigs come and take them and your account down, giving you.. And even ME.. a bad name. Views 186, Upvotes 7
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