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Complicated Generation Blog
20th December 2019
Aaah, I see my problem, now!


The Biscuit Level Generator code that I sat and carefully retyped, line by line, the other day, wasn't realtime generation code.

It's meant to sit there running on my PC for an hour or so, trying and retrying and failing and then retrying, over and over and over, to generate a list of levels.
It's not meant to be quickly run-through, to make a level in realtime, after the user's selected a level.

That's why it was breaking on the Petit Switch.
It wasn't a mistype, halfway through. It actually IS that slow!!

I'll scrap all of that, and redo it from start. It's not THAT hard to make a level generator, right!?
After all, the latest Quadoban was made from scratch, and that didn't seem too bad.
... and, if we're honest, this is quite similar to Quadoban!

So, redo from start.
Delete a ton of code, and recreate the thing from scratch.

A busy weekend ahead, I reckon!
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