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*whoosh* Blog
2nd March 2012
As the Mario game flies over the head of the internet, Jay takes note.

2 days after posting to TIGsource, the first comment went online last night.

"I'm an art guy, so when I see Goombas with holes in their heads instead of shadows, or tiles that have sharp ends, I'm not inclined to give something a try. Maybe someone else will, but my art instinct is telling me to wait for something that recognizes its visuals
Have you had any luck with this elsewhere? The genre doesn't immediately grab me, but a good review could get me to play it."


I can 100% appreciate that.
He's an ART guy!
He's basing his judgement of the game based entirely on it's screenshots.
People do that.
Heck, even I'll whinge my arse off if the sprites collide like shit. (DIZZY!!)

Mario Throws Things is 100% an experiment.
I created it within about 20 minutes, scrappily ripping sprites (as Blink spotted) and not really caring how it worked.
If I'd have done it "properly", I'd have rejigged the Mar10 date to do something a little neater, and probably have used Kirby.
(Why didn't I use Kirby? I already had the Mar10 tune in the game!)

But that wasn't the point.
The point was to see whether this was about the game, the gameplay, or the graphics.

Answer number one : For the art guy, it's all about the graphics.

Let's take a look at example number two, and see what that says.

"It's all fun and games until you get a cease and desist letter"

That's the first reply on Joe Larson's reddit topic.
Another absolutely true comment, and if I weren't some guy who had half an hour and an engine to spare, might've been even more valid.
If I DO get a C&D, at this point it'd be a blinkin' miracle! (and only my 2nd!)

Answer number one : For this guy, it's all about the graphics, too.

In both of these cases, the following facts are true.
1) They're mostly negative.
2) They're both in it for the graphics.
and depressingly...
3) They're the only comments.
4) The game's only been downloaded 18 times.

Perhaps it was a lack of video? A lack of better screenshots? A lack of decent artwork to begin with?
Or maybe @dedhedzed was right, and it's really all about the 1%.
I'm not sure.
Either way, this odd little experiment, (as shit of a result as it was) is indeed a success.
It's left me with an idea that I think is probably needed... Something that's more than just the 1%.

I've an idea bubbling away inside, and I'm going to leave it to fester for a bit.
You'll have to wait for the result.

Derp I left off (/removed in a fit of rantyness) the names on the quotes. 1st (TIGsource commenter) was Blink, 2nd (Reddit) was Ruby69. Apologies for inexplicably removing them.. If it's any consolation, I didn't even have to check up to find those, as they've been wedged in my head all day!
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