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Springy Blog
17th May 2020
Spent most of yesterday recreating the SmileBASIC game "Optimal Spring" in the Browsercade.


The character is springing around as it should, bopping its head on floors above, landing properly, falling through holes.
All is good!

Today I need to add collectables and enemies.
I'll probably try to come up with something new to add to the mix, but you all know how well that's been going, lately.
Lacking in imagination, here, Jay!


Since I was working on that all day, I got very little done to the site overhaul, but I did at least manage to get the tabs highlighting when you've selected one.
.. Mostly.
The "New" tabs (for Browsercade/Shoebox/Foldapuz/etc) aren't quite functional yet.
The site still highlights the standard "Downloads" tab for all of those, so I need to teach it how to distinguish between different game/blog types, so that it does indeed highlight the right one.

The main issue, here, is that at the point the site is generating the new tab-bar, it hasn't yet read the content of the requested page.
It's basing the tabs from the request, not the actual content, so it's basically doing it the wrong way around.
I need to hold off the nav-bar until after the content has been read, so it can analyse post tags and the like, and (hopefully) highlight the correct tab.

.. maybe!
Views 125, Upvotes 28  
Daily Blog , Browsercade , Redesign
New games every week!
Site credits : Jayenkai
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