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Going Back to Bed
2nd June 2020
It's currently 5:08 in the morning, and I'm heading back to my bed.
-=-=- The temperature was soaring, last night, and I couldn't quite manage to get to sleep properly. Lying awake, I found myself playing around with various Windows settings and installing/removing apps. I'm preparing my system to be as streamlined as I can, and although most things can be compressed down to an alarmingly small amount of install space, it seems I'm still going to have to do big chunky mirrors of most of my gamedev folders for emergencies. Trying to keep everything synced properly will be key, here. Meanwhile, the SmileBASIC game for the week seems to be coming together. A nice little submarine and some water.. Next up, adding maybe a maze or something? Not sure. Right then. Bed! G'night, all! Views 109, Upvotes 17
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