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Monkey iOS Test 0000001! Blog
11th January 2013

There's a simple blast test.
I installed Monkey on the Mac, I opened my Monkey Framework, I clicked "iOS", compiled, switched to XCode, built and run.
It was quite simple, comparatively.

Is anything playable? Is it buggery!!
But it does show a few... .. Shall we say "quirks".

First, and you can't see it, but I can tell, it's actually showing up in Portrait, rather than Landscape.
I'm going to have to piss about to switch that for SpikeDislike2, although having it in Portrait will be handy for other games.
A tweak to be dealt with.

Second issue that's noticeable in the image above, is that the default settings aren't using the full New-iPhone/iPod size. The game is being black-bar'd, over the new wider sections. Not a very good start.
I guess I have plenty more tweaking and learning to do over the next few days.
Heck, the new framework barely does anything yet, anyway, so there's loads and loads to do!
Interestingly, though, it DID manage to load the Retina images, and even scaled everything to the correct size, even if it was rotated the wrong bloody way around! So.. o/yeayo/ I got that all coded nicely!!!
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2013 Framework
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