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Then the Toucan it is! Blog
14th January 2013
Welcome aboard, Tam Toucan, you're apparently the only one interested in the job of testing my crazy shit, so you're now chief tester!

I've no idea when the first test engine will be ready to get to you, but I can't imagine it'll be too long a wait.. Maybe a week or so..?
Keep your eyes on AGameAWeek for progress reports!
Meanwhile, I did a teensy bit of audio testing, yesterday, and can happily report that Monkey can pitch it's audio, unlike a certain other language which I've previously fallen out with.
Of course, it can't do it on HTML5, but it will still do it on other targets, like a good little language.
Bravo, Mr Monkey!

On the flipside, iPad Retina can't handle REALLY BIG sprites, but at least it doesn't crash when it has to..

The white areas are supposed to be the usual sky/rainbow/hills, but are drawn on 1280x1280 pixel tiles. Yikes! No wonder it can't handle it!!
Going to have to rethink my entire menu system, for this one!!
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2013 Framework
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Blog - Then the Toucan it is! - AGameAWeek