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Stroke My Monkey!! Blog
25th January 2013
OK, folks, here comes the big test.
Is everyone ready?

Get your Android device, be sure to enable "UNSAFE!" apps in your settings, point your device's browser to this page, then Click here (.apk) to Download. It's a small enough download, only 1.5Mb.

Note : This is simply a test engine. This is not a game! Do not expect a game!!!

Feedback Required. (Post it below!)
Device : What have you got?
Android : What version's running?
Running : Did it even run in the first place?

Next, Click "Easy", and start tapping the right hand "Hard" button, making the number of onscreen sprites higher and higher, until the framerate (bottom left) starts to drop below 50. At that point, let me know the number of sprites it's doing.
If you're bored, you can also try out Normal and Hard modes, which draw bigger and bigger sprites, but those aren't necessary.

If your phone has a d-pad/control keys of any sort, give them a whirl in the main menu, and let me know if they work at all. My Nexus doesn't, so I can't test that.

.. ok, I think that's everything.
Thanks, guys!

Stroke My Munky!
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Experimental , 2013 Framework
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