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Bonus C3ntipong Testing Blog
1st February 2013
I've yet to figure out how to solve TamToucan's X/Y Tilt issue, but a couple of gripes have already been tweaked.
C3ntipong Test Edition for Android - Version 2!
The paddle, for starters, is now set much further up the screen. This may result in a slightly harder game, but at least your finger won't be in the way! (or at least, it shouldn't be, unless you have a really really tiny phone, or gigantic finger!)

I've dug deep into the well of games, and dug out the "Level 1"/"Next Level", etc voice sounds from the original Centipong. They're in there, now, chatting away as you play.
Hopefully I needn't add any more of those, because I'm damned if I can remember how I produced them in the first place!!

Skill shot and Ball Carrying give bonus points, and there's a wide range (not that wide!) of badges to collect along the way.

Oh, and I changed the icon, too.

If you're playing along, let me know how it goes, and if anything breaks horribly!
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Blog - Bonus C3ntipong Testing - AGameAWeek