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SpikeDislike2 - The First Week Blog
9th March 2013
Apple says we're not supposed to reveal actual sales figures, so you won't find any of those inside.

You will find a nice graph, though!


Since I wanted to be sure Launch Day was actually the day people could GET the damn thing, I set SpikeDislike2 to launch a day early. As such, it actually saw quite a nice set of sales the day before it was launched! woot!!

Launch day then saw the sales get even higher, as IGN gave it out a shout-out in their daily "New Apps" video. Awesome!

After that, sales plummeted to regular every day figures, the sort of numbers I saw for SpikeDislike. On the one hand, it's quite disappointing that the high-sales-period is apparently over so soon. On the other hand, it's nice to be getting daily numbers that are as high as they are, especially when.. for some strange reason.. SpikeDislike2 sales seem to come coupled with SpikeDislike1 sales.
Since SpikeDislike2 launched, SpikeDislike1's been a nice happy seller again!
I guess 2 isn't quite "everything", so you need both to get the full experience.


I'll post more none-numerical stats as time goes on, and keep you updated on any spikes that might appear.

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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
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Blog - SpikeDislike2 - The First Week - AGameAWeek