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AGameAWeek Gold - Ship Flinging Blog
10th March 2013
Perhaps I should add a separate subsection here, for games that are old, and weren't even good when I made them...??
AGameAWeek Crap springs to mind..

Maybe another day. I have a big proper blog post to write, too, and no time to waste!!

For today, we'll continue to pretend that AGAW Gold isn't just a daily trip through the archives to pad out the blog, and is instead, the cream of the crop!!

Today, in 2009, I made a stinker!-=-=-

2009 - Ship Flinging

Sometimes, you start AGameAWeek with an idea in your head, that seems like a great idea for a game.
Take object flinging as was heavily publicised by such recent games as Angry Birds, and change the mechanics a little so you're scored based on distance.

Seemed like something could be made of it, so I tweaked and poked and prodded the game until something gamey appeared.
.. except the gamey bit didn't appear.
at all.

What remains is a bit shit. You aim your weapon at the ships, fire your missile, and the ships get flung through the air by the explosions.
You can tell that I gave up with this game pretty early on, as the explosions don't even go "Bang!" or anything.
Sometimes AGameAWeek just doesn't work!
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Agameaweek Gold
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Site credits : All of the above : Jayenkai
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Blog - AGameAWeek Gold - Ship Flinging - AGameAWeek