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Slow Progress Blog
6th December 2020
Took me ages to get yesterday's tasks done.


There wasn't even a lot to do, so quite why it took as long as it did, I'm not sure.
In the end, I got the title bit working, but only in a single basic font. The browser doesn't seem to have the ability to flick through all your fonts, and although I could conceivably get the JNK Titler's fonts to work with this, it isn't ideal to have to do server back&forth stuff to get that working.
I'm trying my best to make everything as self-contained as I can, with nothing going between server and browser, once the basic file is loaded.
So, for the meantime, it's one font only.

After that, I did some tweaking to get a truer Testcard F to work. I'm not 100% happy with the way the stripes are working, though. They're hardly ideal.
But .. Maths!! And the lack thereof!

Seems that, although my gamedev stuff is returning, my maths is taking a bit longer. Every little bit of maths is an eternal struggle.

Just a couple of days ago, I attempted to figure out the angles for Otakupunk's Flag/Table, but my head was screaming after about 10 minutes.

As easy a task as this all was, going in, I don't think my head's up to all the number-crunching. But, hey, that's kinda the point, right!?

Today, I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing. I might make a start on one of the other many testcards. Or, since it's Sunday, I might take a day off, and be a lazy bugger.
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