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AGameAWeek Gold - ZOMBIE!!! Blog
28th March 2013
AGameAWeek Gold. An occasional trip down memory lane, to take a look at games that I've previously released on this day in history.
Much like every other element of AGameAWeek, these can sometimes be great games that you'll play for hours, or bags of garbage that you throw away after ten seconds of looking at it at going "Umm.. no thanks!"
Today's game from the past is an example of the latter.. With Zombies!!!!-=-=-

2006 - Zombie!!!

This game was originally created for the age old Wednesday Workshop challenge, over at
Week 41's theme was Zombie Games, and me and 3 other challengers took up the task to make a game within a week!
Aah, the pre-AGameAWeek days, when other people used to take up the challenge as well.

The game I created is a bit less interesting than I'd hoped for, mostly due to the slow speed of the game. You can't blame the game, though. Stupid zombies move too slow!!

Essentially, the game plays a lot like Daisy Chains. You move around (You begin in the middle, in the church!) gather up your fellow zombies, avoid the dogs, and guide as many zombies as you can to their home.
It's not the greatest, but you can see the formation of Daisy Chains in it!

.. of course, Daisy Chains didn't happen until about 5 years later, but it's this odd eccentric world of ideas that build up gradually, to become something new.
The world of AGameAWeek is a curious place!
You can Download Zombie here for Windows, because it's old, and I only made things for Windows back then!

Incidentally I've made Daisy Chains free for the rest of the week, so if you've got an iPhing, go and grab it! You've no excuses, unless playing this has put you off!!
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Agameaweek Gold
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Site credits : This was all done by Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 5

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