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So Much to Do! Blog
18th January 2021
Oh dear, today's todo list is extreme!!


1. I need to catch up on the Player Thoughts blogs. There's two of them, waiting to be posted.

2. I need to finish this week's SmileBASIC game. I got to the 95% point, last night, and my head went "NO! That is enough coding!!" and decided to give up and spend the night listening to lots of new music, via iTunes, instead.

3. I also need to add last week's latest Patreon to the videos and in game credits. Sure am glad I don't have more patreons than that.. Goodness knows where they'd all fit!!

4. I started work on a new version of the Poetry image render tool, yesterday, but didn't get very far at all, mostly due to the Mac's Default PHP installation not including the TTF font support.
Instead, I'll have to faff about uploading, editing, tweaking, breaking, etc the version that's currently on the server.. Meh..

Right, tons to do, and less time to do it than there oughta be.

Get working, Jay!!
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Blog - So Much to Do! - AGameAWeek