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Player Thoughts - Lingo and Flappadiddle Blog
19th January 2021
With each passing set of games, comes the inevitable influx of comments and thoughts.

Let's have a peek at the latest game comments!


Michael Fernie


Fun game. A good addition to Shoebox. Thanks for making it.

It is indeed a fun little puzzle game. Since ITV relaunched the show, me and Mum have been watching it daily, and Mum's finally glad that she can play it "properly".

On the TV show, the players have a very strict time limit of roughly 5 seconds per guess, and Mum can't keep up with such a fast paced game, especially when she has to figure out all the logic, and come up with words, all at the same time.
The Shoebox edition has no timer, and is a much more relaxed game as a result.

Mum is happy!



Flappadiddle - Browsercade Edition

I was wondering why there was one way collision on the waypoint goal

I assume you mean that you can fly "into" the two lower blocks. Yeah, that's just laziness on my part, I'm afraid!
I should probably fix that..

why there are only 4 and not 5

The scaling method of this version has to account for portrait mode mobile gaming. It's not ideal like that, (in fact, not many of Browsercade's games work well like that!) but it "should" roughly feel as it should.
But, one thing I changed, was reducing it to only 4 goals, just to allow them to still space out when in Portrait mode.

and why the shield was on when standing on the waypoints.

That's always been there.
It's not always been noticeable, but it's definitely always been there!

I got the answers from the 4th or 5th levels in each path. The game becomes too difficult without these features. Still the heart of Flappadiddle is well intact in the current game.

The random positions of the flamewars (or Spikebars in this one, because I'd already uploaded the graphics, forgot to add a flaming ball, and didn't want to mess up the cache again!) makes it tricky to plan everything, exactly.
Having the shield appear when landed makes it easier to avoid unfair deaths.

I'm not quite sure what kind of bird can generate an out-of-phase-shield style when standing, but I'm glad that Flappy can do it!


I'm glad you've both enjoyed at least one game, so far, this year.
Here's hoping there'll be a lot more of them!
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