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A Day's Fixings Blog
25th January 2021
Following the trail that JFarceur left, I've done as much as I can in fixing the list of bugs in Browsercade.


1. The Joypad isn't navigating the main menu.
Finally found a setup that was showing this. (Firefox on MacOS, though it took about 3 or 4 attempts to find a Joypad that would work on the browser, on Mac!!)

2. Same Game Shows up Twice
Lazily fixed
The "Last Played" folder had a weird bug that I couldn't replicate, no matter how much I tried, but .. Yeah, if it's there, it's there!!
I've hunted through the code that stores the previous games, but haven't noticed any obvious reasons why it might do that.
Instead, then, I opted to hide the duplicates with a link to the Credits.
I know that's not ideal, but it's the best I can do, right now, without managing to replicate the bug!

3. Really Retro Racer isn't doing high scores properly.
Found the source of this one, eventually, after about 20-odd playthroughs!
Way back at the start of this project, I had plr[] store the AI curves, but eventually switched it to be the grid3[] array, instead. A simple "search and replace", and it inadvertantly shifted the high-score from the plr array to the grid3 one, which was always incorrect.

4. Clusters of Hex - The top row
Like you suggested, I've added a "purple overlay" to the top couple of rows of hexes. They don't add or subtract from the gameplay, but should at least give you a "reason" why the top doesn't always gather during collections.

5. Clusters of Hex - "Down connect"
Fixed - I think!
When you link a new hex to a hex that's on the row below it, it doesn't always match up.
I *think* I've fixed this, but am finding it really hard to stress test!
The code certainly looks right.. But the game's too random to test it!

6. Cluster of Hex - "Background Missing"
Maybe Fixed - Baffled!
i've added a couple of delays to the drawing of the buffer, but it's hard to know for sure.
I've tried clearing out my browser's cache, and reloading it, and it seems to be behaving itself, but then that might be down to a fast connection to the server, or any other number of things.
All I do know is that the game re-requests the buffer until it's managed to draw it.
So, if it carries on as if it HAS drawn it, then.. Well, there's no much more I can do about it!! it thinks it's right, so that's as much info as I can garner.

Some days, I yearn for the good old days of Tape Loading Errors.. At least those would break properly, and not carry on as if nothing's wrong!
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