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AGameAWeek Gold - Frostbite and Barry! Blog
9th April 2013
Occasionally, our flick through the Jayenkai Archives fails to pick up any games that I might've released on this day in history. As rapid as my game development is, I'm just not THAT quick!
But other times, it'll pick up more than one!
Today's one of those days..


2007 - Frostbite

You'd think, with such a simple premise to clone, I couldn't exactly go terribly wrong with this easy-to-do remake.
You'd be wrong..

I'm not entirely sure where things started to "feel" bad, but by the time I was "done", it didn't feel right at all.

The game's pacing is off, the thing feels too smooth, and the air-control makes it far too simple.
Sometimes, attempting to add things makes them worse.
I don't much care for this, and it's a great example of a classic Atari 2600 game doing things right the first time!

You can Download Frostbite here if you really want to, for Windows.

2008 - Barry the Bourbon Biscuit

A year later, I made a much more silly game!
Starring our hero, Barry the Bourbon Biscuit, you have to guide him around biscuit land to collect as many Chocolate Buttons as you can, without getting him killed.
The game features my first attempts at online scoring.. It's not great, and it doesn't do things automatically, but I was testing the waters with it. When the game's over, it'll give you a little password. If you submitted your score and password combination, I used to have a little manual checker that would ensure your score was real, and then I'd pop it onto a little leaderboard.

All that's long lost, and was soon replaced with a proper online highscore system, which has since stopped working properly, too.. but the game's still playable! woot!!

You can Download Barry the Bourbon Biscuit here for Windows.

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Agameaweek Gold
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