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22nd May 2019
Today marks the initial Japanese release of Petit Computer for Switch (PetC4) and .. well, I'm a coding addict, so you know I HAVE to at least get SpikeDislike up and running. There's a few stumbling blocks.. well, one, really, and that is that I don't know any Japanese whatsoever. If you'd like to download my various PetitSwitch games, head to this page for the codes
Views 1195, Upvotes 50  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
23rd May 2019
I spent hours, yesterday, playing with Petit Computer on Switch. I think I'm almost done with SpikeDislike, and the second session went much smoother.
Views 90, Upvotes 20  
Daily Blog , Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
23rd May 2019
WAAARRRNIIIIIIING If you set up a Japanese account to download Petit Switch, be absolutely sure that you continue to use the Japanese account when coding your game. DON'T do what I did, and go "Well, it works in my Jayenkai account.. I'll carry on with that" Because, when you go to upload your finished game, you hit a great big wall.. The account you bought it with gets (I think) 10 "Upload" slots. You can "purchase Slots" for other users.. .. Except my default account can't do tha...
Views 111, Upvotes 30  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
23rd May 2019
The game can be downloaded using the Public Code 424JQK3NJ Head into the top right projects thing, then hit R twice to access the Online games, then hit X (iirc!) and enter the PublicCode. Job done! SPIIIIIiiiIiike!!!
Views 198, Upvotes 37  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
24th May 2019
I spent most of last night reading (and/or attempting to read, with Google Translate's camera function glitching and popping all the text, all over the place) through what I could find in Petit Computer's Help files. SpikeDislike Watch : Likes 2 - Downloads 18
Views 108, Upvotes 46  
Daily Blog , Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
24th May 2019
So, today I wrote a basic minimal Framework in PetItC4 with simple enough functionality, but hopefully enough to allow for lots of variety in future projects. I've added a basic DrawImg thing, along with my usual set of SetCol, SetAlpha, SetSize and SetRot commands. I've created a sprite loop to draw sprites when required, and blank out any unused sprites at the end of the loop. I DID originally try adding a SPCLR (clear all sprites) at the top of the loop, but that flickered horribly. You'...
Views 174, Upvotes 39  
Daily Blog , Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
25th May 2019
The "Text Layer" seems to be rather limited. I can print at any position, I can change the colour, I can change the font size.. .. But any changes made will affect the entire screen's worth of text.
Views 137, Upvotes 50  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
25th May 2019
Tonight I attempted to get a JMTrackr style music engine to work in Petit-switch.
Views 113, Upvotes 29  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
26th May 2019
I think I'm making a music program..!?
Views 141, Upvotes 33  
Daily Blog , Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4 , Jmtrackr
27th May 2019
I've gotten JMTracker up to a semi-working state, but still have to add test settings for things like Tempo and Instrument selection, as well as a proper Load requester. But so far, so good, and it's a vaguely decent output.. I think!! Although only a proper set of melodies and actual ingame usage will tell for sure..
Views 133, Upvotes 40  
Daily Blog , Jmtrackr , Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
27th May 2019
Really getting somewhere with JMTrackr for Petit Switch, now!
Views 130, Upvotes 33  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4 , Jmtrackr
28th May 2019
This morning, my laptop's clipboard still had yesterday's Daily Platdude Pixelart in it. .. This is how much time I've spent working in Petit Switch!
Views 115, Upvotes 22  
Daily Blog , Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4 , Jmtrackr
28th May 2019
JMTrackr is a Music Randomisation engine, which can create an endless variety of music, based upon a set of prewritten melody patterns. If you've a Switch, and have downloaded SmileBASIC, you can grab a copy of the game using the Public Key...


Views 209, Upvotes 38  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4 , Jmtrackr
1st June 2019
Prepare to Flap, on Switch! Guide Flappy between the two sides of the screen, landing on the platforms inbetween. If you've a Switch, and have downloaded SmileBASIC, you can grab a copy of the game using the Public Key...


Views 234, Upvotes 30  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
2nd June 2019
The default pixel-sprite editor for PetitSwitch Scroll around the left-side (full spritesheet) with the left thumbstick, draw in the right hand "zoomed" view (you can zoom in further) with touchscreen or mouse. Controls for colours, but the palette doesn't save. .. Booo! Plenty of twiddly knobs and buttons, barely any of which I have the faintest idea what they're doing. A to plot, B to pick colour.. .. Except.. The dpad doesn't move the cursor.. In fact, NOTHING moves the cursor. In...
Views 159, Upvotes 34  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
6th June 2019
Another weekly remake, in the world of Petit Switch. A lovely little grab from the AGameAWeek archives, as we revisit the teensy tiny space world of Space Popcorn! Shoot the popcorn. There's only one piece left. This shouldn't take long at all. If you've a Switch, and have downloaded SmileBASIC, you can grab a copy of the game using the Public Key...


Views 200, Upvotes 47  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
13th June 2019
This week's Petit Switch release is a recreation of one of my favourite puzzlers, Blockman Gets. If you've a Switch, and have downloaded SmileBASIC, you can grab a copy of the game using the Public Key...


Views 196, Upvotes 31  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
20th June 2019
Centipong comes to Switch, with the help of Petit Switch. If you've a Switch, and have downloaded SmileBASIC, you can grab a copy of the game using the Public Key...


Views 157, Upvotes 46  
Release , Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4
27th June 2019
The colourful world of [Horizontal-Shooter] makes its way onto Petit Switch, this week. If you've a Switch, and have downloaded SmileBASIC, you can grab a copy of the game using the Public Key...


Views 135, Upvotes 18  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4 , Release
4th July 2019
Don't think of this as Pong. It isn't Pong. It's NOT Pong! If you've a Switch, and have downloaded SmileBASIC, you can grab a copy of the game using the Public Key...


Views 197, Upvotes 24  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4 , Release
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AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai