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22nd April 2010
We're not done yet! In order to further our quest to redo DS08 in Bigginess, we've also got to redraw all of SirVoe's wonderful alternative graphics that he designed for DS08. There's 3 extra sets of sprites, and it's taken me about 2 hours to redraw about 1/4 of the first sheet. Uhoh!! Rush time!! <a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/JNKPlat2010_BigShot6.png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/JNKPlat2010_BigShot6_thumb.png"></a> Here's what I&...
Views 75, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
21st April 2010
<a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/DSConverts.zip">DS Converts : Part One</a> As much as I tried to make the 2 versions compatible, I did mess a few things up along the way. Plungers and Darts move at a slightly different speed, and even Platdude runs at a different "steps-per-block" speed, too. It's not a whole lot of a difference, but there's enough changes to have broken some of the levels. So, rather than having a "Load my Levels" option, I'm doing things bit by bit, and ...
Views 73, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
20th April 2010
It's Platdude Time! <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/JNKPlat_2010_20100420A.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/JNKPlat_2010_20100420A_thumb.png"></a> Guide Platdude through 45 puzzling platform levels, dodging darts, fleeing flames and always being mindful of mines! A nice and easy game, with more buttons than you'd probably care for. Cursors to move, Z to hold, X to jump left, C to jump right, and V for one single purpose!! How many levels can yo...
Views 55, Upvotes 9  
20th April 2010
Views 16288, Upvotes 93  
Platdude , Puzzle , Platformer
19th April 2010
It's been three whole weeks since I made a post with that title, but we're ready to get going with the whole JNKPlat 2010 thing, and nothing short of a complete hard drive failure could stop it, now!! *Jay quickly does a backup* <a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/JNKPlat2010_BigShot5.png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/JNKPlat2010_BigShot5_thumb.png"></a> Mmm.. Luvly big shot!! Hi-Def JNKPlat, Tomorrow! Send in your levels, guys!
Views 89, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
18th April 2010
Woot! He's on his way! Everyone excited? Probably not!! JNKPlat 2010's first release will be right here, Tuesday morning. There's a handful of bits and pieces yet to be done, but as it stands it's entirely playable. Tomorrow I've got to set up lives and midpoints, but other than those there's nothing too "missing" in the game. I've even enabled one-button-method. Euwww! Level makers should be preparing to send in their packs, for the end release, and I'll get strapp...
Views 68, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
15th April 2010
On Sunday we had a new bathroom fitted, during which time we discovered an old leak which had previously gone unnoticed. In what can only be described as "Water Timing" the leak decided to smash through part of our kitchen. dangit. So, this week, we've been busy doing house destruction, removing part of the ceiling, and preparing to get a whole new one. Although I've not really been doing too much towards it, the ceiling coming down isn't the big job, that's coming soon when we put the new one up.. It ...
Views 28, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
MAV Blog
14th April 2010
Folk who currently have the editor should be aware that there's a slight bug with the far right, and lower sides of the levels! Try not to go too far!! Thanks! I probably mis-counted something, somewhere, and it's all gone a bit pants! Otherwise everything should, hopefully, be working just fine. Although I'm a little disappointed that I didn't test that. It popped into my mind a couple of days ago, but I was too busy trying to get the encoding to work that it then popped right back ...
Views 79, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
13th April 2010
To the 7 people who asked, the editor has been sent. This kinda counts as a release, but since it's not a public release, it also kinda doesn't. 2 weeks in, and the game's coming along in leaps and bounds. There's a couple of DS08 tiles that aren't in there yet, but otherwise it's about the same game. <a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/JNKPlat2010_BigShot4.png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/JNKPlat2010_BigShot4_thumb.png"></a> With 1 week le...
Views 86, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
10th April 2010
Think you've got what it takes to make JNKPlat levels? Want to get your name into a game before the game's even finished yet? Want to even get to play the game before it's even finished?! email me, NOW! Jayenkai@Gmail.com or post "Me!" (or otherwise) into the comments below. A limited selection will receive the pre-pre-pre edition of the game, with a very simple batch of test levels, and the fully formed level editor, ready to build some kick-ass new stuff. Pre-pre-pre editi...
Views 97, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
10th April 2010
Things aren't going too badly in the Level Editor. <a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/JNKPlat_EditorShot2.png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/JNKPlat_EditorShot2_thumb.png"></a> A nice bar, Selectable objects, Test button, Tabs.. In many ways, things are about the same as they were before, and that's exactly how Platdude likes them! Keen observers might notice the lack of lights and switches. The whole purpose of the lights was to limit what the player could s...
Views 103, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
8th April 2010
(note, this is a bit waffley, and tends to jump about from point to point!!) Today I've been working on the editor. It's been a bit of a challenge, trying to think of every little think you might use, and also the keys for all of it, but I think it's coming along quite well. Draw with the mouse to draw, left for the selected tile, right for blank. WASD will scroll the screen around E picks the tile under the mouse Q allows you to draw a rectangle using either Left or Right mouse butt...
Views 65, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
8th April 2010
<a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/JNKPlat_2010_edition_(Screenshot_08_Apr_2010_121224).png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/JNKPlat_2010_edition_(Screenshot_08_Apr_2010_121224)_thumb.png"></a> It's amazing that, a week and a bit later, there are still loads of old things that must be put into the game. I completely forgot about those little mines, and the TNT Plunger based mines, too! Then getting them all working on Travellators, too. Plenty of work.
Views 42, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
6th April 2010
Yeay! Platdude's on his way! Here's the first teaser.. Odd things to spot. 1. Framerate's a little quirky, because my screen-capture STILL sucks, even on the new fancy PC. Dangit. 2. No ingame audio, same reason. 3. Those aren't real levels!! Those are just made up to show off different things. 4. I made the music WAY too short, and couldn't fit all 8 video that I'd captured. Oh well, never mind, there's always the 2nd teaser! 5. The exit doesn't work yet, ...
Views 54, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
6th April 2010
No release yet, it's nearly ready, but still so far away! Not to worry, it's Platdude's month, so let's carry on. By the end of this month there'll be a PC version, and a Linux version, too. That's hopefully apparent by now. What I've not mentioned, yet, is my hopes to recreate this game onto other platforms. So let's talk about that, now.
Views 48, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
3rd April 2010
Blocks and Spikes are in the engine now, as are the default sound effects! Seems a bit of a long time for Blocks and Spikes, but those Blocks are always more complicated than they oughta be! Work is coming along at the regular rate, but I'm now starting to think about the frontend of the game. Not entirely sure what I'll be doing for it. I might try to replicate the DS's menu screen, since that seemed to work out nicely. We'll have to wait and see!! Tuesday, if I can get it don...
Views 91, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
The Blog
2nd April 2010
I've spent ages working on the whole Music Engine thing, and so far it's not sounded 100% great. Today's work got it up to about 75%, or thereabouts. As Background music, it does it's job. As anything more, it's a little lacking. So I think I'll just say "That'll do!" and carry on. JNKPlat 2010 + random'ish music, coming soon! I'd post a new High-Def screenshot, but you can't really screenshot music, and I've not really done any new graphics since ye...
Views 79, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
1st April 2010
I haven't really been updating this like I oughta be, so here's the "So Far" Day one (Tuesday 30th March 2010) Make it Big Decided to go with the "upped size" style, so set about redrawing all the old background tiles at a higher resolution. I considered making 50-odd brick tiles, and give them all a slight texture, but figured that'd kill your memory, so instead created an overlay texture that would be added to the screen once the game's done it's frame drawing....
Views 83, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
30th March 2010
Today I've made a start on the next JNKPlat. Everything will be sprite based, but MASSIVE compared to previous outings. Where previously they'd been 8x8 pixel tiles, this time around they're going to be 64x64 pixels. That's a 6400% size increase! (Assuming I did the maths right!) Look inside for the super high-resolution mock-shot!
Views 72, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
30th March 2010
Views 3365, Upvotes 33  
Mar10 , Remake , Blockman Platform
29th March 2010
A classic Blockman game, in the style he was meant to be in! Sure, he looks great doing his whole "Pacman maze, but hungry" thing, but this is the style he made his name in, so it seems only fitting that this would be where he finds his Mario Costume. And not just once. He can find it over and over again! <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Blockman_in_a_Mario_Costume_20100330A.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Blockman_in_a_Mario_Costume_20100330A_thumb.png"></a>
Views 112, Upvotes 14  
27th March 2010
Blimey, that was quick! <a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/243-DVDCase.png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/243-DVDCase_thumb.png"></a> Usually I spend most of Sunday and Monday rushing through the end of a game, but this week's game seems to have slotted perfectly into place. nice! Although, that's probably due to the "rest" I had, last week. Let that be this week's lesson.. Sometimes, it's good to take a break! Tuesday : Blockman in a Mario Cost...
Views 67, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
25th March 2010
NMcCoy's made a nice "experimental" game, this week. He suggests that "Squidfold may or may not be about anything." and that's a really nice way to sum up a game! A cracking little game, and a good addition to his list. But is it the "algorithm-intense" game he'd been working on for the past couple of weeks? I'd guess.. quite possibly, yeah! |Edit| (URL "https://nmccoy.net/2010/03/24/game-09-squidfold/">A link might help!! D'oh!) |Edit|
Views 27, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
25th March 2010
First up, this week's game will be Blockman in a Mario Costume. Greenie looked great in his costume, but he's a lost cause, and I'm moving on. Blockman will return to his original Flicky style gameplay, with the Mario Costume acting as a power up to give him an amazing new ability! Combo scores aplenty! After that, we're done with Mar10, so I can start playing with fresh, original, and fantastically new ideas.. Speaking of which, Tetripong is apparently needed on the DS, so that'll probably be my fi...
Views 45, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
23rd March 2010
Awww This week I've been ill, and between website tweaks, and lying in bed half-dead, I've not really had time to get anything done. This morning, I managed to wake up, and was bright and alert. I figured it was probably a good chance to get something done, so I grabbed the half-assed sprites, popped them into an engine, and got them running in a right facing direction. Adding random pipes, and the ability to jump over them, I'd made a 1980's style Waggler Hur...
Views 95, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
21st March 2010
Uhoh!! This week I've been doing a lot of background work over at Socoder. There's been a heck of a lot of unseen features added, along with a couple of noticable, but not noticed, additions as well. I guess i've been in a php mood, more than a game-making one. As a result, I've actually yet to even begin writing this week's game, although I have drawn a few nice sprites, and am looking forward to getting this one done. No matter, there's another whole day before Tuesday, and I've certainly man...
Views 26, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
18th March 2010
Yesterday I mistakenly posted last week's game. Today I post this weeks! NMcCoy's been working on AGameAWeek of his own, for the past 8 weeks. Lately he's stumbled upon a bigger idea which is taking a while, but is still managing to throw out smaller games, to keep up his ratio. That's the way to do it!! Go McCoy! You can play (URL "https://nmccoy.net/2010/03/17/game-08-redivider/">Redivider) on his site. It's Java based, so you can play it on his site.
Views 43, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
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Site credits : Jayenkai put all his heart and soul into everything you can see on this site.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 126

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai