"Power" Graphics!
14th September 2019
In reply to my earlier thoughts on "blurred" backgrounds, Alan suggests..
Probably requires opengl wizardry. I need to study up on this a bit myself.
And he's probably right..
Views 93, Upvotes 31
Player Thoughts
10th September 2019
As the insane number of games increases, so does the mailbag!
This week, let's take a look back at Hillside Conquest.
You can Play Hillside Conquest in the Browsercade.
@RSKGamesI have played Gorilla game in raylib games example, so I had an idea what to expect. Still I was surprised by the polish in ''Hillside Conquest'' implementation.Views 96, Upvotes 28
Player Thoughts
Hillside Conquest
9th September 2019
Views 168, Upvotes 61
Scorched Tanks
9th September 2019
The two tanks fall into line, and a battle commences.
Tilt your gun, line up your shot, and destroy the enemy tank.
Rather than being a simple "Destroy = 1 point" game, I've opted to add Arcade-style scores to this.
Earn points for closer hits to your opponent's tank. Your score is also increased by how much health your own tank has remaining.
You can Play Hillside Conquest in the Browsercade, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.
Views 353, Upvotes 28
Starfruit Harvest
1st September 2019
Platdude blasts off, atop his rocket, to gather as much of the Starfruit as he can.
Guide him through space, avoiding the many rocks that stand in his way. Views 139, Upvotes 28
Meteor Storm
1st September 2019
It's time to harvest the Starfuit. Platdude straps himself to a rocket, and aims to grab as many of the fruit as he can.
You can Play Starfruit Harvest in the Browsercade, in your Browser, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.
Views 91, Upvotes 35
26th August 2019
Each week, as I release all my lovely games, a massive influx of fan thoughts bombard my innbox.
Be part of this amazing section of the site, by leaving comments and thoughts on the games and other bits and pieces.
You can Play Spiky Tower in the Browsercade, in your browser, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.
@RSKGamesSpiky Tower is one of the ultra fast game that I have played from AGAW collection.Views 120, Upvotes 19
26th August 2019
A quick and simple trip up the tower. What could possibly go wrong!?
Avoid the spikes, and get as far as you can up the tower, without falling.
You can Play Spiky Tower in the Browsercade, in your browser, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.
Views 78, Upvotes 16
19th August 2019
Destroy the enemy invaders, but watch out for their jettisoned capsules. They're deadly!
You can Play Space Clusters here, in your browser, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.
Views 129, Upvotes 49
12th August 2019
RSKGames returns with his thoughts on recent games.
You can Play Shoebox of Games here, which are all Mouse/Touch controlled games, which run 100% in the browser.
Or you can Play Browsercade here, which are all Keyboard/Gamepad controlled games, for a more Arcade-like experience, but which also run in your browser.
@RSKGamesBrowsercade games: The main menu or Homepage looks fantastic with each game having the name at the top in their own game themes.Views 371, Upvotes 31
Player Thoughts
Endless Forest
12th August 2019
Platdude runs through the endless forest, throwing balls at bad guys.
He can only hold 5 balls at a time, so be sure to pick up what you can, and use them wisely. Views 194, Upvotes 42
12th August 2019
Game number three in the Browsercade sees Platdude running through the endless forest, smashing balls at the enemy creatures within.
You can Play Endless Forest in the Browsercade.
Views 282, Upvotes 24
Little Fixes
12th August 2019
On my desktop sits a sticky note with the words "The Menu is Broken"
Views 99, Upvotes 19
Daily Blog
Clusters of Hex
5th August 2019
Grab hexes from the floor, and jump up to combine them with giant clusters.
Earn extra points for completing larger clusters. Views 163, Upvotes 14
5th August 2019
The clusters return, in this fun little puzzle game.
Grab a hex from the floor, and jump it up towards the giant stream of falling clusters.
The larger the cluster, the more points you'll earn.
But don't let the clusters reach the floor!
You can Play Clusters of Hex in the Browsercade, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.
Views 58, Upvotes 12
Finishing Off
5th August 2019
There's a couple of little quirks I need to fix, but I should soon be uploading Clusters of Hex.
Views 68, Upvotes 14
Daily Blog
Hex Looks
4th August 2019
A little shadow added to the back buffer, and everything scaled so that the gameplay fits within the alcove.
Views 105, Upvotes 24
Hexing Again
4th August 2019
Right then. Today I need to make a start on reconstructing Clusters of Hex again.
I'll be getting it up and running on Browsercade, so everything has to be converted over to Javascript.
It shouldn't be "too" hard, as I have practically only just done this in SmileBASIC, but I expect I'm not sure how well the resolution/ratio issues might confound the task.
Views 73, Upvotes 12
Daily Blog
Draw Image To Buffer
3rd August 2019
Crikey, this took some doing!
Views 83, Upvotes 16
29th July 2019
As more and more games get dumped into the archive, more and more players are sending feedback.
Let's dig a random letter from the mailbox!
@RSKGamesIn 2017 ''Blockman Returns'' was released and that was the first JNK's Blockman game I played. #1 Browsercade game is a remake of ''Blockman Returns'' game. You can Play Blockman in the Browsercade.Views 132, Upvotes 24
Player Thoughts
29th July 2019
The original Blockman is recreated in glorious Javascript!
Run around the platform-maze, gather up all the blocklets, and take them all home.
The more you can manage in one go, the higher your combo score.
You can Play Blockman in the Browsercade, in your browser, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.
Views 325, Upvotes 35
Within My Grasp
28th July 2019
I'm currently about 98.36% happy with Blockman, but one little niggling issue is happening on iOS.
For some reason, it's occasionally slowing down to about 25fps, instead of sticking at 30.
I'm fairly sure this is to do with my dodgy framerate code, again, so will be holding off a final post until tomorrow.
For now, though, if you'd like to give Blockman a whirl, head on over to Browsercade.com and .. Play the Game!!!
Any issues, any at all, please do let me know.
Full release in...
Views 64, Upvotes 17
Finishing Touches
28th July 2019
A few more tweaks, and Browsercade Game #001 should be more or less ready to go.
Views 76, Upvotes 27
Daily Blog
Edging Closer
27th July 2019
Spent an hour or two testing various enhancements to the FPS stuff, and I think I managed to find a nice middleground that seems to run fairly well.
Views 79, Upvotes 21