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2015 - Trashcan Music
31st December 2015
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A collection of previously unposted, unfinished oddities.

  AGameAWeek Space Jingle
It's the AGameAWeek Jingle ... In Spaaaaace!

A remake of my old Binky mod, created for Spinal for his Warehouse Management game.
Same again, the Splat mod, recreated for Spinal

  Stringy Amoeba
I don't remember what this is, what I made it for, or why it's in the trashcan!

  ChuckABall DX-A
Ugh. Imagine if ChuckABall sounded like this? Horrible

  ChuckABall DX-B
  ChuckABall DX-B-1
  ChuckABall DX-B-2
  ChuckABall DX-B-3
A marginally better ChuckABall soundtrack.

  Money For Nothing (Sick of Seeing Your Remix)
For a while, there was a guy spamming up the KORG GadgetCloud interface by making minor tweaks to his Money For Nothing remake, over and over again, and re-uploading it.
We all choose to make it a contest to see whose Money For Nothing mix was the dumbest.

The following tracks were created whilst I was making the Precarious ALBum, and were ultimately scrapped.
  Precarious Bag

  Precarious Balance
There's no balance, here.

  Precarious Balancing
Tap-tap, Tap, Tap-tap, Tap

  Precarious Fatality
Oh lordy, what horrible guitar samples!

  Precarious Favouritism

  Precarious Finances
This sounds a bit like Precarious Boom, which is likely why it was scrapped.

  Precarious Hostage
Wobbly retro chip sounds here, but nothing interesting.

  Precarious Job
"I think I miss my job".. Oh to be able to add lyrics to songs, back in the day!

  Precarious Keep
This one's a bit slow.

  Precarious Keep - 1
This one's a bit faster, but it takes forever to go nowhere.

  Precarious Love
Is there any love in this track? I think not.

  Precarious NightLife
I like the arp on this one, and I'm pretty sure I used it elsewhere, but can't quite place where!

  Precarious Obstacles
Bomp, Bomp, Bomp goes the baseline on this one.

  Precarious Outbreak
This one has a bum-note, and then everything stops!

  Precarious Position
Could this have been some sort of driving game track? Certainly sounds like it.

  Precarious Trifles
Yum, Yum, Trifles. .. Not so much this track!

  Precarious Washers
This one ultimately goes nowhere.

Total 27 tracks
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 90

Music - 2015 - Trashcan - AGameAWeek